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“We safeguard human health and we rely on SGS to safeguard our competitiveness.”


Through quality control is fundamental to the pharmaceutical industry. SGS is committed to providing comprehensive quality and risk management programs for raw materials, complementary materials and intermediates, preparation analysis, on-site GMP control, port inspections, and more. These programs include physicochemical testing, microbiological testing, biosafety assessment, and stability research, as well as specialized auditing for GMP, ISO13485 and other industry standards. SGS applies global experience to our outstanding local services to help upstream and downstream pharmaceutical enterprises improve R&D efficiency and quality management. Our expertise helps customers attain an edge in a fiercely competitive market.

  • 上海
    药品化学分析师 药品QA助理实习生
    药物包材可提取物及迁移物分析工程师 药品微生物分析师
    药品化学数据复核工程师 药品GMP质量管理专员
    药品理化分析师 生命科学部项目报告审核员
    相容性研究项目工程师 GMP分析方法验证工程师
  • 深圳
  • 广州

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